Wahwahsda - Hide & See

On April 21st, Wahwahsda released their 3rd single ‘Hide & See’. This song tries to grasp the feelings you can get from your loved ones.
For this track I had the honour to do all the recordings at Nice Recordings and mix the track in my home studio.

Peter ‘Sput’ Govaerts - MC
Wouter ‘Wally’ Immers - Guitars and Lead Vocals
Frederik Verbruggen - Keyboards + Backing Vocals
Steven Albrecht - Bass Guitar
Wim ‘Radix’ Verbruggen - Drums

Door Raeymaekers - Percussion

Matti Willems - Saxophone
Mitya Jansen - Saxophone
Angel Calvo Pérez - Trumpet

Artwork by Creative Rescues
Recorded and mixed at Nice Recordings by Frederik Verbruggen
Mastered by Da Goose Mastering


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